
jeudi 19 mai 2011

Stephen Lawrence / Guardian

Two men to stand trial for Stephen Lawrence murder after court ruling
David Norris and Gary Dobson, whose 1996 acquittal was quashed by appeal court, charged with murder

by Vikram Dodd,, Wednesday 18 May 2011
The parents of Stephen Lawrence, stabbed to death by a racist gang who "targeted" him because he was black, saw their 18-year campaign for justice for their son result in a court ruling that two men will stand trial for the murder.
Doreen and Neville Lawrence witnessed the court of appeal clear the way for Gary Dobson, 35, to face a jury. The court's permission was needed because Dobson had been acquitted of Stephen's murder in a prosecution brought in 1996.
Judges headed by the lord chief justice decided new forensic tests on Dobson's grey bomber jacket and a cardigan had produced evidence that was compelling enough to quash his acquittal and see him stand trial for a second time.
He will go on trial in November alongside David Norris, 34, who was a suspect in the original murder investigation but who has never previously been charged.
The killing in 1993 in Eltham, south-east London, is one of the most high-profile unsolved murders in Britain.
Lawrence was 18 and a talented student who dreamed of being an architect, when he became the victim of a gang that first shouted racist abuse at him, and then stabbed him.
Lawrence's death stood out for nearly two decades because of the effect it has had on race relations in Britain and the failings it revealed. The Met police bungled the first murder investigation and pressure from the campaign started by the Lawrence family led to a public inquiry, which found "institutional racism" had plagued the case.
The news of the trial saw another landmark chapter for the family, police and the courts. [...]
Read the full article here

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