
mardi 13 avril 2010

Dialogue international Justice pour les femmes

From April 19 to 21, women's rights advocates, gender experts, legal practitioners and others will speak up--and speak out--for gender justice at the International Gender Justice Dialogue in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.
Convened by Women's Initiatives for Gender Justice and the Nobel Women's Initiative, this conference occurs at a critical time, prior to the 10-year Review Conference on the Rome Statute and the International Criminal Court (ICC) in May.

You can follow the dialogue online on
You will find blog posts, profiles of Gender Justice Activists, photos, a link to video coverage of the proceedings, and more information about the dialogue.

In conflict zones and fragile states inhumane political and military tactics subject women to devastating forms of gender-based violence. All the while, women are unable to have a say in the decisions impacting their lives.  They are grossly under represented in governments worldwide and are being left out of peace processes. Yet, despite all attempts to silence them, women around the world can be heard tirelessly speaking up for peace, justice and equality for themselves, their families and their communities.

The Dialogue will look at how to strengthen accountability for gender-based crimes through mechanisms such as the ICC, as well as through influencing peace negotiations and their outcomes.  A shared global agenda for advancing gender justice will be released at the end of the three-day meeting.

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